SebArt Scale

Miss Ultimate 50E (Red)
    The new Miss Ultimate is a 50 size acro/3D biplane. Due it’s size it’s easy to handle and nice to fly. It flies on a... more info
Pilatus PC21-V2 50 Class SCALE (BLUE)
Please note: there may be a delivery surcharge due to size of box Electric landing gear , doors and steering wheel servo factory installed Wing Span:... more info
Pilatus PC21-V2 50 Class SCALE (RED)
Please note: there may be a delivery surcharge due to size of box Electric landing gear , doors and steering wheel servo factory installed Wing Span:... more info
Sebart Robin s 50e (RED)
The Robin RC plane is capable of performing  manouvers such as rolls, knife-edge flights and loops. It also makes for a good tow plane, capable... more info
Sebart Robin s 50e (BLUE)
The Robin RC plane is capable of performing  manouvers such as rolls, knife-edge flights and loops. It also makes for a good tow plane, capable... more info
SF-260 50E [RED/WHITE] Inc Retractable landing gear
Please note: there may be a delivery surcharge due to size of box SF-260 50E [RED/WHITE]  Retractable landing gear and doors factory installed ... more info