PowerBox Competition inc Sensor Switch & leads
Sale £248.38
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The PowerBox Competition 2010 is the logical development of the old Competition power supply with regulated output voltage of 2003. The application range of this power supply are due to the many built-in features no limits. The Competition can outsource twelve channels from the receiver, four of which are equipped with a servo Match function. With the servo Match Function servo center, end points, and direction of the servos can be set exactly. Thus, servos, which are mechanically connected to each control can be tuned to exact synchronism. The servos so do not work against each other, can develop the full power and use less power. In addition, the lifetime of the servos is greatly increased. With the servo Match function but also functions can be combined, for otherwise you would need two channels on the transmitter: As an example, one can control the left and right flap with only one channel. The direction and the endpoints are set in the Competition. This saves channels and facilitates in many cases, the programming in the transmitter. All settings are programmed via menu by using the high-resolution OLED and the sensor switch. All menu items appear in full text on the display, making it easy to operate. |
The Competition has the option to telemetry connection for various remote control systems. This means that both battery voltages and the residual capacity on the transmitter display can be transferred. The telemetry interface is simply connected to a patch cable to the receiver, only in the spectrum TM1000 telemetry module is required. The receiver sends the data directly to the transmitter screen. Also alarms, for example, during power failures are output to the transmitter. The high-resolution OLED display shows both battery voltages, the two residual capacity and actual applied voltage output. The Competition regulates the output voltage 5.9V or 7.4V on either and is therefore ideal for regular 6.0V servos as well as HV systems. In both cases, the constant output voltage for constant power operation and long life of the servos provides. The PowerBox Competition is capable of using the USB Interface Adapter update.This allows future extensions, such as additional telemetry systems that are used within a few minutes. |